When you’re ready you tell me. Me — I’m always ready and I want to know everything. It’s my fault, and I have many (faults). I love you.

I own a bookstore (one word, I GET IT) now so I’m very busy not reading (working on that) and spending my days bullshitting about books. I love it. An editor I know told me I write the f word too much and he’s right so I’m avoiding it but just know that when we talk (and we’re gonna), I will say it every fourth word because I was raised by wolves with dirty, dirty mouths.

My mama was a drunk and she was awesome even though she almost ruined my life. All the best people I’ve known and know are drunks so it’s alright. I wrote a book about her in an attempt to not also become an alcoholic parent. Writing doesn’t actually cure beer love though.

I love to sleep but I’m not very good at it anymore. I get night worry. Night thinks. Night love.

A long time ago I started getting occasional emails from strangers who had read my words online or whatever. I usually answered and it was almost always very fulfilling. I like that a lot. I love talking to spam callers and texting with wrong numbers. Mystery is mysterious. See you soon. Say hi.

I’m Laura June.

I don’t really write anymore. I mean, I do, but I’m not going to let you read it.

I love you.

Emma Carmichael.


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